About 20 years ago I had an especially difficult time with stress which led to indigestion problems. After experiencing acute pain in my lower colon, I went to a doctor. I was diagnosed with diverticulitis and colitis and given some prescription medicine. After about three months, the problems eased; however, over the past 20 years, I continued to have flare ups and treatment with prescription pills until the colon healed.

Recently I had another flare up and ran across some literature about enzymes and how they help with digestion. I was again taking prescription pills, but ordered some enzymes. In talking with the person I ordered the enzymes from, he said he used a product called Henry’s Internal Cleanser from Greenline Organic. He gave me the website and I looked it up and called Mr. Kuang Lin who suggested I try the Henry’s Internal Cleanser.

I have been taking it now for three months and have noticed a dramatic difference. I no longer have pain with elimination, the blood that was in my stool is gone and my digestive system seems to be working as it should. I have stopped taking the prescriptions and have not made any dramatic changes in my diet, so I have to assume that the Henry’s Internal Cleanser has made the difference. I would, and have, recommended it wholeheartedly to others and will continue to take it.




LC Otto