LC Otto

I am 60 years old and I began taking Henry’s Internal Cleanser along with Henry’s Liver in March of this year. The results, for me, have been dramatic.

My lower colon and bowel functions were a total mess for many years. This is now returned to normal. Blood tests showed my liver function to be greatly elevated (870 – dangerously high) and this organ was a constant source of pain. Continued monitoring of my liver function shows that it has dropped back to the normal range (below 640) and the pain has been reduced to a sporadic occurrence.

I did not take the Henry’s Internal Cleanser during the months of August and Septemeber and my bowel function reverted to the previous state. My energy level also dropped to a frustrating level. I am consuming this product again and I feel normal. I had not realized what the cleanser did for my energy level.


Paul L.

