
I can barely begin to tell you how absolutely thrilled I am in having been referred to your product, Henry’s Internal Cleanser. I want to tell you all the wonderful things it has done for me.

First, I have suffered from constipation most of my life. I am now 37-years-old and finally know what a real bowel movement is. Within two days of taking Henry’s Internal Cleanser, things moved like never before. I lost eight pounds in one week. I felt like a new person immediately! I have been taking the Henry’s Internal Cleanser for five months now. I know that I can never go without it. Just after my son was born, I was so constipated that I tore myself in the effort to have a movement. It was the most painful thing I had ever been through. Now, things move with complete ease, no straining, no fear of tearing myself anymore. What a great discovery–I wish I had known of this years ago. I think my girlfriend for bringing this product to my attention.

I was also suffering from headaches for several months prior to taking the cleanser. Within a week or so, the headaches went away. My newfound allergy to chocolate was alleviated due to the cleansing of my system. I can now have chocolate without fear of a headache! I also found that my eczema symptoms have lightened due to the product as well.

highly recommend this product to anyone who has a problem with constipation, eczema, headaches and acne. I am a true believer and I tell all my friends about Henry’s Internal Cleanser. Thank you, thank you, thank you for making my life so much better!




Paul L.