I’ve had an ongoing battle with health problems for many years. In 1986 I was poisoned by carbon monoxide and began to notice things like headaches, fatigue and allergies. But the precipitating event occurred in 1990 after a root canal treatment. Now my already weakened immune system began to nosedive. The worst of my conditions were chronic fatigue, food and chemical sensitivities, and brain dysfunction.

Finally making the connection between the root canal and my worsening health, I had surgery in March 1999. I turned out I’d had an ongoing infection from the root canal resulting in a serious jaw infection (osteomyelitis), and I’d lost most of the bone to infection. Since the surgery, I have been even more debilitated because now my body had the additional job of trying to heal my jaw.

I ordered Henry’s Internal Cleanser along with Henry’s Woman supplements in October 1999 and they have made a tremendous difference in the fatigue, food & chemical sensitivities, as well as peri-menopausal symptoms of headaches, anxiety, depression, insomnia and brain fog.


Julie R.


Gloria M.