I met Kuang a few years ago when my business was located near his. I would visit Kuang during my lunch hour. We had many conversations regarding health and colon cleansing. I had breast cancer in 1990 and was invested in good health. I had gained a lot of weight and my cholesterol was 250.

Kuang introduced me to Henry’s Internal Cleanser. After two months, my cholesterol dropped 70 points, I lost ten pounds and had more energy. I used Henry’s Internal Cleanser for one year. In June of 2000, I was diagnosed with breast cancer again. After surgery and radiation treatments, I pondered my health once again. I had hot flashes and night sweats and the nature of my cancer diagnosis prevented me from taking estrogen.

I contacted Gen at Mac Maniman Inc in April of 2001 and Gen encouraged me to take the Henry’s Internal Cleanser in conjunction with an herbal parasite program. Wow! I feel fabulous. No more night sweats, hot flashes are very minimal, and I have lost fifteen pounds. My energy is truly boundless. I will continue to take Henry’s Internal Cleanser daily.

I would like to thank you for your commitment to health and well being. You have made such a difference in my life. Keep up the good work.


Jan C.


Michael B.