Mia B.

I was diagnosed with colitis at the age of 18 in 2007. I had been hospitalized a few times for a couple of weeks at a time because of the pain and bleeding. I was put on some very serious and expensive drugs and steroids to keep it under control. I was also told that this would be something I would be living with for the rest of my life, that there was no cure, and that for women it is more difficult to conceive a child due to the side effects of the prescriptions I was taking to help manage my symptoms. Not knowing if I would ever become pregnant was something that really freaked me out because I wanted nothing more than to some day be a mom.

In 2014 I found Greenline Organics and met an amazing man named Kuang Lin. He truly changed my life. He told me that Henry’s Intestinal Cleanser would be the answer to my problems. (Honestly, I thought to myself that this guy was just trying to sell me things because there’s no such thing as a miracle powder, but I was willing to give it a go even though I was very skeptical.) I started taking the powder once a day for a few days. Unfortunately the pain got worse. I was ready to throw in the towel. I called Kuang and told him I wanted to stop because it was causing me really bad cramping. He advised lowering the dose and not eating certain foods for a while, then working my way up in scoop dosage. I went down to a half a scoop per day. This was amazing because after two weeks I slowly increased my intake and worked up to 2 scoops a day. There I was three weeks after starting the intestinal cleanser just noticing that it had been five days without any pills! NONE, ZERO. Prior to Henry’s powder, I would take anywhere from four to 11 pills a day to keep the symptoms away.

I made a doctors appointment a few months later. I had blood work and a colonoscopy. There was NO trace of me ever having colitis! My doctor was shocked, as was my husband. He was in such disbelieve he straight up said maybe I was misdiagnosed. I was so pleased to see that I did not need anything anymore. No pain killers, no steroids. Huge bonus was being able to eat whatever I wanted with no pain at all. All this had changed in six short months and the flare ups had become a thing of the past. No more pain and suffering, no more blood in my stool, no more liquid bowel movements. The other awesome effect was a huge boost of energy. I no longer felt sluggish all the time and did not feel a need for coffee.

In 2015, I was so blessed to become pregnant on the first try! Take that, modern medicine! It is now 2016 and I have a beautiful family consisting of myself, my husband of three years, and a very handsome little boy. I have been in good health ever since meeting Kuang Lin. If you are at all like me, walking into a store seeing some cleanser to heal all things and thinking to yourself “geeesh, this is expensive, this is way too good to be true.” It’s not! Your life and health is worth so much more. I advise you to just try it. Myself and many others have seen the difference. I will be using this for years to come.

Thank you so much, Kuang, for my health and my beautiful family.


Conner R.