Manuel and Leticia

I was on four different high blood pressure medications and my health was extremely bad. I have for several years been so plagued with high blood pressure, sodium problems, and depression which has hindered my life. After visiting you and now using Henry’s Internal Cleanser and supplements for three weeks, we are so amazed at the energy!

It is true, “you are what you eat.” I have learned that if I eat well and cleanse properly, I will achieve good balance in my body. I have been slow at exercise but I have so much energy it has motivated me to do so much more and I am working on exercising more often.

I am pleased to announce that my blood pressure has normalized during the day and I noticed that I can go most of the day without my BP meds. I am now down to two BP meds in the evening! I can only tell you that I have tried to diet in the past and have not succeeded. With the cleanser and supplements, I find I do not crave carbs. I have since lost 12 pounds! I am excited and thank you for giving my life back to me.

Oh, and by the way, my husband has also lost 15 pounds and feels energized and motivated in the mornings. Before, he would not wake up until noon. Now he is up at 6 am! Thanks again for caring and giving us a chance to be healthier!


Barbara E.


Deanna N.