Erin W.


I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome about ten years ago and did not like the doctor’s advice of taking Zoloft. I was having a bowel movement every couple of days and it would take at least 20 minutes of relaxing for that, so I knew something was wrong. To my amazement, my husband had 1-2 bowel movements per day effortlessly! I wanted to be like him so I decided to treat myself naturally. I gave up caffeine and junk food and started to eat whole grains and more fruits and vegetables. I also started eating organic food and took dairy out of my diet. I learned a lot about nutrition and I also took up yoga and started working less hours.

I saw a lot of benefits, but I still occasionally had issues with managing stress and having a daily bowel movement. My movements were much more regular, but I still had to do 20 minutes of relaxing and if I traveled, my routine was gone.

I started taking Henry’s Internal Cleanser and immediately improved. My bowel movements increased in size and were, for once, effortless! Often I had bowel movements twice a day and I felt great with no constipation, bloating, or grumpiness. After the first 22 ounce tub was gone, I decreased to taking Henry’s Internal Cleanser weekly. This was enough to keep my body healthy since I had changed my eating for so much. I went for years being able to sustain a healthy lifestyle this way.

Recently, however, my routine and simple lifestyle has changed. I have moved from Washington to a much drier climate, changing my working conditions, had a baby, bought a house, and am now trying to sell the house in Washington. It is too much stress for my diet to keep up with and the dryness of this climate is also making a difference.

I now have to take the cleanser daily. I have a scoop of the Henry’s Internal Cleanser with 8 ounces of orange juice and I follow that with another 20 ounces of water immediately upon waking up. It gives me a tremendous boost – not only am I regular, but I have enough energy to keep up with two small children, a dog, a full-time job, cooking and cleaning. I attribute this to my diet, keeping my body cleansed, and not having adrenal fatigue so common with those who drink caffeine.

I will continue to take Henry’s Internal Cleanser – it has become an essential part of my healthy routine. By the way, and this is just a correlation, not necessarily causation, but my cholesterol was just checked at my LDL was 84 and my HDL was 71. Thank you for helping me to achieve optimal health!


Chris D.


John C.