Denise H.

About six months ago I was introduced to Kuang and Jean Lin (and all they have to offer!) through my personal trainer. I was treated for breast cancer 13 years ago and have done everything I can to stay healthy since then, including exercising and maintaining a reasonably healthy diet. I read a lot about health issues and understand that doing some sort of detox is beneficial for my body, but until I tried Henry’s Internal Cleanser I never really saw any undeniable results.

After using Henry’s for about ten days, I simply felt “different,” like I had turned a corner. It was as if someone had lifted a veil off me leaving me feeling lighter with more clarity of thought as well as more energy. The real proof came when my physician ran routine blood work and the lab results said it all. My cholesterol had dropped 30 points, my thyroid medication needed to be lowered, and my liver enzymes were at the best level ever. The only thing I changed was using Henry’s! Kuang says it’s because Henry’s Internal Cleanser cleans the blood.

Fortunately, I have never had any big issues with my weight so I was not intending to lose any pounds, but I did feel great. The pounds that I lost seemed to come off in the right places like my tummy. I never feel bloated, my rings are a little looser, and I need to buy new jeans!

I have learned a lot from Kuang about nutrition including the importance of pH balance and becoming more alkaline. Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment. This is a huge discovery for me and incentive to continue taking Henry’s and to make proper nutrition a priority.

Thank you, Kuang, for sharing your knowledge and wisdom, and for all of the encouraging you do everyday for so many people. I will continue to send my friends to you for invaluable consultations and look forward to learning more from you in order to stay healthy!


Mary M.


D. Hall