Carmen G.

I appreciated your recommendation that I start on Henry’s Internal Cleanser and several of the herbal products you sell. I have studied health and alternative health principles for many years, and am very impressed with your product. I firmly believe that the road to great health includes: cleansing our bodily tissues, proper nutrition, proper structural alignment, and exercise. I have tried many health products over the years from various herbalists, but never really saw any remarkable difference until I started on this product.

With Henry’s Internal Cleanser, I lost six pounds of weight in the first week alone, without feeling hungry! I am steadily losing unwanted weight, and feel great, with an increase in energy. I am looking forward to seeing more positive changes in the months ahead.

The two things that most drew me to this product is that 1) it is entirely composed of organic products, and 2) Kuang and Jean are prime examples of how well this product works. They are amazing to watch. They are full of energy, cheerful, steady emotionally, and have little superfluous weight. None of the herbalists that I have studied look as fit and healthy as Kuang and Jean.

I highly recommend this product!


Jenna O.


Sabrina S. C.