Angela M.

Introduced to Greenline Organic Health by a friend 15 years ago, at the age of 33 I started taking Henry’s Internal Cleanser. After one month of taking Henry’s, I noticed a change in my body. I no longer had menstrual cramps, in fact, I could no longer tell when I was about to start my period. My tummy pooch flattened out and I lost weight. Needless to say Henry’s seemed to regulate my hormones and I became pregnant a few months later. Mind you, I had been practicing the same non-hormonal birth control method for over a decade. Due to age I was classified as a “high risk” pregnancy. Consequently, I had no complications and gave birth to a bouncing baby boy.

Speed ahead eight years: two weeks after i was married and the first time we “tried” I became pregnant. Again, I had a healthy pregnancy and a beautiful baby girl. Then 11 months later, the first time we tried, I became pregnant again. I gave birth to a second beautiful baby girl and aside from anemia I had no complications with the pregnancy or birth. Needless to say, at the age of 47 I am terrified to become pregnant again!

Throughout the years, I have continued with Henry’s Internal Cleanser and have always liked the results. I still do not suffer with cramps and can barely tell when I am getting my period. It seems on a weekly basis I highly recommend Henry’s to everyone.


Joel K.


Chris D.